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Media Capture

How do I setup a Channel and put in Presentations?

 Channels are a way to organize and share a collection of presentations. Perhaps a collection of presentations in a Channel are of a specific topic or for a specific course.  There are two types of Channels. The Channels used in the student submissions workflow are created and managed by a Mediasite administrator. Those covered in this context are called User Channels.

Creating a User Channel:

  1. Login to MyMediasite
  2. Select Channels on the right side of the page.
  3. Click the + Add Channel button.
  4. Enter the Channel Name – this is the only piece of required information.
    • Friendly Name – this will show up in the URL. *Do not use spaces*
    • Channel Description – details about the channel.
    • Channel Functionality – you can turn on multiple features at the channel level that will impact the presentations.
  5. Click Create Channel.

The channel will be empty when it is created and you will need to add presentations to the channel before sharing.

Watch a video of this process under the section How to Create a Channel.

Adding a Presentation to a Channel:

  1. Login to MyMediasite
  2. Select the video presentation you would like to move to the channel from you My Presentations list.
  3. Select Move To.
  4. Select the radio button Place this Presentation in a Channel.
  5. Choose an option for how the permissions should be handled.
    • Keep permissions from source presentation will keep the current permissions.
    • Inherit permissions from the parent folder will adjust the security permissions to match the user channel.
  6. Select the channel you would like to move the presentation to and click Move Presentation.
Watch a video of this process under the section How to Get Presentations Into a Channel.

Sharing a Channel in eCampus:

  1. Login to eCampus
  2. Remember to configure your course for the MyMediasite-CSEE instance.
  3. Choose Build Content -> Mediasite - Link To Catalog.
  4. Choose Channel radio button.

  5. Enter your Channel's Name in the search box and press Search Catalogs.
  6. Choose the radio button next to the name in the list of results.

  7. Click OK.
  8. That Channel and its content will now be visible to students with access to that eCampus course as long as the contained Presentations' security and visibility is set appropriately.
